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Moving Checklist: How to Prepare For A Move

Moving can be an exciting, but stressful, time in your life. To ensure your upcoming move goes as smoothly as possible, it’s important to have a plan in place. This moving checklist will help you prepare for your move, and avoid some of the typical hassles associated with moving.

To Do List

How to Prepare for Your Move

  • First things first: Make a moving checklist! Try to think of everything you will need need to do before, during, and after your move. This will help you keep track of your progress and ensure nothing is forgotten. Most mobile phones have reminder apps, but if you want a customizable app that you can also share with your family, check out todoist.

2 Months Before You Move

  • Get rid of your extra stuff: Go through your belongings and get rid of anything you no longer need or use. This will make packing easier, and save you money on moving costs. Many people choose to sell their stuff, or simply throw out their old “junk,” but consider donating any old belongings that are still in good condition.
  • Decide on how you’re going to move: Consider whether you want to move yourself, or hire a moving company. Moving yourself can save money, but it’s a lot of work – and you need to make sure you’re up for the challenge. If you’re hiring a moving company, research your different options and get at least 2 or 3 quotes, so you know you’re getting a good deal.
  • Make an inventory: Start making a list of all your belongings, including furniture, electronics, and personal items. This will help you keep track of your items during the move, and make unpacking easier once you’re in your new space.

1 Month Before You Move

  • Purchase supplies: Buy boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and any other supplies you’ll need for packing. If you’re moving on your own, you will certainly need these supplies. If you’re moving with the assistance of a moving company, sometimes these supplies are provided, or offered for an extra charge. Coordinate with your moving company to see what they’ll supply, and what you’ll need to buy on your own.
  • Start the process to update your address: Notify the post office, bank, utility companies, and other important contacts of your impending change of address.

2 Weeks Before You Move

  • Pack non-essentials: Start packing items that you won’t need for the next few weeks, such as books, decorative items, and some clothing.
  • Disconnect your utilities: Schedule the disconnection and reconnection of your utilities at your old and new homes.

1 Week Before You Move

  • Pack essentials: Start packing your essentials, including your remaining clothes, toiletries, and kitchen items.
  • Confirm with the movers: If you’re hired a moving company, confirm the details of your move with them – including the date, time, and any special requirements.

2 to 3 Days Before You Move

  • Create an essentials bag/box: Pack a bag or box with essentials items you’ll need for the first few days in your new home, such as toiletries, bedding, and a change of clothes.
  • Double-check your inventory: Check your inventory one last time to make sure you haven’t missed anything.

By following this moving checklist, you can help ensure that your move goes as smoothly as possible. With the proper preparation, you can make a typically stressful situation go well, and before you know it, you’ll be happily settled into your new space.

Categories Moving